I’m Justin Kenderes, an LA-based photographer. In addition to taking pictures I teach math and climb rocks. I’ve been living in Los Angeles for the past 7 years but since you’re here I’ll let you in on my top secret plan. Who knows, maybe you can help me out.
A little over a year ago, I separated from my wife of ten years, quit my job and bought a one-way ticket to Spain. I spent the fall traveling around Europe, came back to the U.S. for the holiday season and my birthday and then went to India. Sadly, not working led eventually to the depletion of my bank account and so this summer I started teaching again. The fact is I do love teaching and working with kids. And I enjoy math, as hard as that may be to believe, and I love helping people understand things.
But the travel bug got me. And my goal now is to find a way to live without being tied to a specific location or occupation. Enter this website–I have ambitions tied to its creation. First, to share my experiences. The joy I feel from my explorations, whether they be here in California or across the globe, comes not just from the having of the experience but also from the sharing of it. Second, to start to generate income that will make me less constrained to a specific career or geographic location. But for now, thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy my pictures and stories!

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I take photos because I love doing it. I love capturing and sharing the beauty I see in the world. All my photos are freely available for your personal use. Put them in your blog, use them for your desktop wallpaper, make a little calendar with them, whatever you like. If you enjoy my photos, please consider supporting me in doing what I do by making a donation of any amount via PayPal to jkenderes@gmail.com. Or, better yet, hire me to shoot your next event. If you use any of my photos in your blog or personal website, please include my name and a link to my website.
Eventually I’ll start selling prints of my photos but in the meantime, if you’d like a high resolution image to print and hang on your wall, send me $10 (per image) via PayPal and I’ll send you a full resolution copy of the image. Thanks for your support!
If you would like to use any of my photos for a commercial publication or website, please contact me for pricing.